Sunday, March 06, 2005

The Weekend

Friday night Blake, Sean, Liz, Kerry, Victor and I went to a local bar/club named Scarlet. Scarlet was a much nicer club than the one we went to last weekend. It was larger, had a better atmosphere and had better music than Castle. We had a lot of fun dancing and hanging out there. We also managed to avoid the problems of the previous week.

On Saturday most of the group paid for their drinking Friday night. We got up at 8:30am to go see Sun Yat-Sen's mausoleum and the tomb of the first Ming Emperor. Kerry and Liz both ended up puking at least once during the morning and the other guys moved very slowly. At Scarlet we received free drinks because we are foreigners and everybody else in the group seemed to think if the drinks are free you have to keep drinking. Other than certain members of the group being sick the tombs were very cool.

In China most major tombs have a similar design. First is a gate that marks the entrance to the tomb area. This is followed by a long path that is allows the individual to think about and honor their ancestor. Then you usually come up to a building that explains the history or life of the ancestor. This is followed by another path and then finally the actual tomb. Sun Yat-Sen's tomb had traditional architecture except the roof was blue, representing the sky. In China red or yellow are much more common for the roofs and tombs.

The Ming tomb was designed basically the same way except the where the Emperor had been buried was in the middle of a giant hill. They have not yet opened up his tomb because they are afraid if they did many artifacts inside could be ruined. They apparently are waiting for technology to develop to allow them to enter without causing damage.

On Sunday, Blake, Kerry, Roy and I got up early to go climb the Mt. Zijin. It took us a little over an hour to reach the top. Near the top of the mountain was a giant Buddha probably over 20 feet tall. We saw some people bow to the Buddha and others leave food as a sacrifice. After reaching the top we had a great view of Nanjing because the mountain lies more or less inside the city .

After returning home I took a nap then went out and bought a DVD player so I could watch my movies both now and when I return home. It only cost about $30 which isn't to bad. I'm also using it for class because my literature class is going to assign movies to watch for homework.

That's all I have for now I'll try to post some actual pictures later today.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's amazing to see a guy keeping up with his journal. I always would forget to write new entries into it. But nice to hear that everything goes well. Do you have any news about the others?

March 10, 2005 at 6:12 PM  

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